Learn more about the specialized services and products we offer for
all of our patients in Manchester, all over the UK and Europe.

Muscle Alignment Technique
Our specialist aligns the position of the bodies internal organs and structures for long term wellness.

Remedial Massage Therapy
The purpose of remedial massage is to treat damaged, knotted, tense, or immobile muscles. It is useful in treating muscle, tendon, bone and other health problems.

Injury Recovery
Schedule a free consult before even considering surgery.

Spine Examination
After taking your medical history, we examine your spine to find the ideal treatment.

Emotional Freedom Technique
(EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. EFT works by tapping on acupressure meridians to release blockages. The process starts with a beginning statement of what the problem feeling is and includes a complete acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem.

Reflexology Therapy
This is generally relaxing and help alleviate stress. Millions of people around the world use it to complement other treatments when addressing conditions like anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, and sinusitis.
Our Expertise
When you exercise, sit or stand for long periods or damage muscle tissue from an impact injury, your muscle will become shorter and tight. This would be similar to an elastic band which has knots tied into it.
So you can imagine that when the muscle tissue is tight it will pull into other structures i.e. bones, ligaments and tendons’ and therefore alter the natural position of the body.
Therefore, if you would like to improve your sporting performance, put an end to chronic pain, recover quickly from ailments that have been hard for other practices to treat, then you have found the proper techniques for you.
01. Craniosacral Therapy
We use gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It can, as a result, help to treat a number of conditions. This removes “blockages” from the normal flow, which enhances the body’s ability to heal.
02. Emotional Freedom Technique
(EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. EFT works by tapping on acupressure meridians to release blockages. The process starts with a beginning statement of what the problem feeling is and includes a complete acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem.
03. Bowen Technique Therapy
This technique is a recognized hands-on complementary therapy, which many turn to for significant relief from troubling aches and pains and (often) to address long-standing issues, where clients tell us “they have tried everything else”
Sports alignment & Enhancement

The muscle alignment technique works on levels that other physical therapy treatments do not!
PGA professional golfer Matthew Tottey had severe hip pain during and after game time. Hip miss alignment also caused other symptoms, such as digestive issues and lower energy levels at certain times of the day.
He was referred to Matthew Brownell to have an alignment session. After one session Matthew Tottey had reduced aches and pains by at least 80% improvement. Moreover, he boosted his energy and improved statistics on speed through his golfing swing while increasing his range of movement.
Scott Carson had a condition that had kept him out from playing for several months before coming for treatment with Matthew Brownell. This is despite having several treatments a week at his premiership football club at the time. The injury was very complex and involved several muscle groups, ligament and tendon damage. Scott had one session with Matthew Brownell, and ten days later, he was playing for Wigan FC, and they won against Manchester City in the F.A. Cup.
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Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Sale office.